Star around my corner


I was just sitting down in my room and my friend called me up and said, hey R. Kelley is in the neighborhood and you should go and meet him, I didn’t believe him at first but I made my way over there and there he was,so I sat down next to him and talked for a little bit ,we had a great conversation, we started off with his career and where he’s going next, I asked him if he was traveling overseas at all and he said, “no I’ve traveled already they love me over there, now I’m working on re-establishing myself in America” which is a great idea, he already has a great song out with lady gaga so he’s on the move.

It was great being able to sit down with a multiplatinum artist and talk about my dreams and where I want to be was amazing, he was attentive, listened and really down to earth and gave me great advice on my career path. Thanks R.kelley

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  1. How cool…love the blog! Congrats

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