Moto Jacket transformation


RUuuuuuum rummmmm time to pull out that great leather jacket, here are some outfit ideas to pear it with:

Black will always be stylish especially paired with more black, this look is one of my favorites because it’s girly care free and super cute. I love wearing little skirts in the winter with a fun tight and fun accessories, Sneaker wedges add playfulness to your look they keep it youthful, edgy and flirty and you can still easily change it up to what fits you, weather it’s adding some color, layers , makeup or a nice statement necklace you can make it yours. The leather jacket makes it all come together in the end for a finished look . What’s your cool ? I dare you to try this look readers and put your one spin on it. You can take pictures and show me what you came up with. Good Luck!!!!

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